tiistai 7. heinäkuuta 2015

D&D 5th Character Cards - Merilee, 3rd level Wizard

What any Watch Constabulary that wants to actually solve any crimes needs is Perky Forensic Examiner, and in D&D, that calls for a Wizard. Specifically, one from the School of Divination. Merilee is all about research and finding things out. She's a bit reluctant to go out on the field, but even there her Portent ability can be of significance.

Like the rest of the Watch members, Merilee was built with default ability scores. She was given the Sage/Librarian background, to really drown herself in digging out any and all esoteric tidbits from the Grand Library of Hieronymus. But although she can be a bit bookish, she's also quite outgoing, especially in familiar company.

Like Wilf, Merilee was raised in an orphanage. She does not quite know who her parents are, but she has made some educated guesses about them, based on her heritage, and has come to a conclusion that her mother was an elven debutante from one of the Nine Houses, and her father a young Neheniri merchant. She has a nice stipend from her parents to live by, enabling her to have her own house in town - which is in process of turning into a library, gradually. She has also noticed that her elven heritage alone cannot keep her all slender and willowy, but that she has to watch what she eats quite closely, despite her sweet tooth. And the fact that Shimmie seems to have an endless store of dates, spiced nuts and pastries with him and is eager to share does not help matters.

Of all the characters so far, Merilee was perhaps the easiest to stat. I think the default scores do give a good spread to play with, and yield to quite balanced characters stat-wise. I was at first a bit meh about the different traditions for wizard, and I still think that there maybe should be a bit more mechanical difference between them, but I have to say I like the roleplay potential for the Diviner's Portent ability quite a bit. No matter how you roll, those stored rolls can be used to good effect. Well, rolls of 10-11 may not be so useful, or at least can be circumstantial, but generally it is a nice little concept.


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