Here's a quick draft for the Necromantic warband Troop types. I think it's mostly there, but some scores and abilities may yet need some juggling. And of course, since this is the first warband, there may come the need to skew the numbers one way or another. It's all a balancing act, trying to keep any models from becoming overpowering, or useless.
The Reasons Why:
I like my Zombies slow, pondering, and easily avoided, but hitting quite hard. Skeletons, on the other hand, represent reliable veteran warriors, but with damaged equipment, hence the low C score. Ghouls are a little less distracted than Zombies, and I think the Greedy rule was written for them. I'm still debating whether Ghouls are actually Undead, and should they be Evil.
Dread and Terror Wolves Might change a great deal, I might actually give the Ghouls the Long Move and make these more akin to Zombies. Wights are essentially just Skeleton Personalities, and the Ghoul Mage is just that. Initially I thought of it as a Necromancer, but the idea of a ranged Poison spell was too good to give up.
The three Vampire varieties are distinctive enough, and although their Q is not as good as I would have liked, I tried to keep them under PV 100. I'm still on the fence whether the Ghoul Brute should be Personality (perhaps with Leader) or are there enough of them as it is. Human Thralls might seem useless, but should work with the Vampire Witch at least. The Necromancer is a bit bland at the moment (I might give him Drain as Close Combat ability), and I'm wondering if I should include a Bat Swarm to the list, although I have at the moment only one such model.