lauantai 18. toukokuuta 2013

New painting - Mercenary Witch

Reaper Miniatures: Warlord: 14330 Gars Necka, Mercenaries Mage
Another recently finished Reaper miniature, this time from the Warlord range.

Once again, the pose sold this figure for me, simple yet effective. As a rule (actually, it's more of a guideline..) I like my figures as a one piece casts. Not because I don't like pinning or assembling, I probably would not do any conversions if I did not like that. It's more like I often see multi-part figures as 'needlessly complicated', something that could have perhaps been avoided with a slight change in a pose.  And I also see the ability to design the figure in such a way that it has both a dynamic pose and single-piece castability as an art form in itself.

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